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Birthing Magic

This week I started thinking deeper about what I wanted to create in business and in life. After allergies effected my wellness I was thinking I wanted to write about balance in this blog, but after reflecting upon what life has taught me I realized there is no real point of balance where you finish and say “I’m balanced & I’m done”. No, it’s continual growth or coming to new levels of awareness. Life is an evolution, not stagnant point that’s held, but rather a flow of motion. In likeness to the birthing process, any given moment can be messy and scary while facing your fears. Yet it allows you the opportunity to dive into trust and truth of who you are and letting your light shine though.

This week to gain confidence I looked at the steps and stages of growth, leaps & bounds of faith I’ve taken for forward movement that I have made. I saw that this was done by trying new things, continually putting my feet forward and trusting the path will come to meet me. Through mistakes and things that did not work right for me I have been able to shift my path and other opportunities have arisen. This week I seized an opportunity to increase the numbers of people I might reach by choosing to do a new form of advertising that I haven’t tried before. This has the potential to get me even busier helping more clients. This will start in March & I’m excited about the possibilities. Yet at first I had to push through the fears of having enough and thinking geez this is more than that car payment that I decided not to go for. Yet, I looked at this as an investment opportunity and a way I can reach more people to help them find healing & continue to do what they love or improve it! My goal is to expand beyond the physical therapy clients I have that go through insurance and also reach clients who are dancers, artists, musicians, hobbyists who might seek me out to improve their craft. I am already implementing new tools for organization to increase the number of people I have on my email distribution list. I choose to be able to effectively communicate group classes, workshops & events with people who have benefited from my work. I’ve happily implemented a simple space for email addresses on client intake forms. While going on an early evening walk bundled up to catch the last rays of sunshine, I was contemplating the powerful method I share to help people “love what they love”. Just as I was thinking about the wording for this new advertisement…I heard and saw two ravens flying north. Throughout my life I have gained inspiration, guidance and confirmation from nature signs…often in the form of animals. The raven holds the gift of the power of magic, creation and drawing forth light out of the darkness. Raven reminds us of the power of stirring the magic of life without fear and manifesting what is needed with will and intention. Ravens are great with vocalization…which led me to think of increasing speaking engagements! Direction of the north has to do with teaching, abundance, balance (LOL as I’ve already reflected on this week) intuition, trust, gentleness and alchemy. The number two has to do with the feminine, dreams and cooperation. After second guessing myself and wondering if I did the right thing financially for my business & life…I feel that the two ravens flying north has confirmed the stirring of the magic of creation in my life. I get to choose what I create in cooperation with the opportunities and people that I meet in my path. It’s time for this Raven to fly, drop her fears & create to my heart’s content! Abundance, Love, passion, & joy will ooze from every moment here on out. Why? Because I call that forth & because I choose it with a sweet thanks of gratitude to my nature signs that always appear when I am looking for guidance. My path is unfolding to help me unleash the truth that’s it’s A-oK to give birth to the miraculous in 2016!

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